School Makes You Sick?

A few days ago I wrote about the Preschool Depression article in the Sunday Times Magazine, and today the Times ran a story called, “Reading, Writing,  Headaches” all about how when kids go back to school many of them begin to experience severe headaches, how it’s a growing problem that often goes undiagnosed because people either think they’re making it up or don’t believe young people can experience migraine headaches.   They then proceed to go on at length about the possible causes;  fatigue from having to get up early again after a summer of sleeping late, not enough water or skipping meals (I’m assuming they mean breakfast, as THEY seem to be assuming kids are oversleeping and then not eating or drinking before running off to school.  Which is pretty funny because most of the parents I know wouldn’t allow their child to oversleep, and would insist on breakfast – organic, of course).   Well.  I suppose all these things could be factors.
But have you ever been in a meeting, or at a dinner, or in a classroom, and whoever was talking was saying something about which you had absolutely no interest whatsoever?   And since it is seen as rather poor form in most of these situations to simply put your head down on the table and take a nap, you sit there, trying to look like you are paying attention.   Terrible, right?  The worst headaches I ever had in my life were the results of such situations, and if you are honest, I bet you can think of a few as well.

My point is, these articles are missing the point.   They are either really stupid, completely brainwashed or willfully ignoring the fact that one of the major contributing factors to these ‘health’ issues is the school itself!   Am I wrong?  What kid do YOU know who eats a perfectly balanced diet, the disruption of which immediately brings on migraine headaches?  What kid do you know who eats a perfectly balanced diet, for that matter?   Getting up earlier than usual does take some adjustment, but imagine if the child was getting up early every day to do, oh I don’t know, something fun, whether that meant reading a new book or going swimming or working on an art project – whatever.  Do you think they’d be experiencing migraines?   I don’t.  I also don’t think they’d be showing signs of depression, or ADHD or any of those other ailments that seem so common among schooled children, and which are almost non-existent among homeschooled kids.

I guess most people don’t want to be told that it is school itself that is ailing their children.  Much easier to obfuscate, medicate or placate.  After all, when it comes to school, isn’t more always better?

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